Archive for July, 2001

9 Ball Interview – Charlie Williams

July 6th, 2001

Interview with Charlie Williams
17th July 2001
Name : Charlie Williams
D.O.B : 5/1/77
Nationality : American
Nickname : The Korean Dragon
Local Club : Pro Billiards, Oralndo, Florida
Current Ranking : Ranked no 5 in the U.S. by the BCA

Charlie Williams stepped into this year’s world championships a relatively unknown quantity to the British Isles. Haven’t heard of him? You soon will. America’s bright young thing is their best propsect since Corey Deuel, and is hoping to go one better than ‘The Prince Of Pool’ by reaching the final of this year’s championship.
Easy going Williams has a solid all-round game that can rival the best players in the world and a sledgehammer break-off matching Francisco Bustamente. In pool terms he’s still a lad, but at the grand old age of 23 he’s already Florida’s number one players, and was ranked by the BCA as America’s number 5.

We caught the former U.S. junior champion in the middle of a hectic world championship schedule. He took time to speak exclusively to about the world championships, and the gambling scene in America.

So Charlie, with numerous titles already under your belt, how do you hope to fare in this year’s world championships?
I’m feeling confident and I’ve come here to win the competition.

How do you rate the British lads’ chances?
I think that Steve Knight has an excellent chance of doing well and even winning it this year. Nothing fazes him and he excels in the TV matches where other players so far have faltered.

There is still a very strong snooker-playing core in the British cue-sports scene. How would you encourage players to take up the game of 9 Ball Pool in Britain?
The best way is to get some of the best American players to come to Britain and teach people how to play the game properly. Steve Knight has the game to do ths as well. People will learn that it is a much more exciting game that involves so many different aspects of skill, such as the different types of break-off shots, putting different types of spin on the ball to maneouvre it around the table, etc.

9 Ball Pool is very much part of a gambling culture in American pool halls. Do you think that this helps to maintain healthy competition?
Gambling in 9 Ball is what distinguishes Americans from the rest of the pool world, as they are so used to playing for money

Do you think that the British lads suffer as a results of our somewhat conservative attitude to gambling?
Yes, I think that not only the British but the rest of the Europeans suffer. They aren’t used to playing for money. I’ve been gambling since I was 12 years old and can therefore handle different types of pressure that playing for money brings as I’ve had more seasoning under the conditions.

Thanks Charlie, we look forward to seeing you in the final!

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